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Constellation of Scientific Schools
in Mechanical Engineering 2024
Gdańsk, September 25-27, 2024

Constellation of Scientific Schools of Mechanical Engineering 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to cordially invite you to participate in the conference:  "Constellation of Scientific Schools of Mechanical Engineering 2024,"  organized in Gdańsk by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship  Technology at Gdańsk University of Technology from September 25-27,  2024, as part of the celebration of the 120th anniversary of Gdańsk  University of Technology. More information can be found at https://jubileusz.pg.edu.pl/wydarzenia/17845-konstelacja-szkol-naukowych-w-inzynierii-mechanicznej-2024

The organization of the Constellation of Scientific Schools of  Mechanical Engineering conference will contribute to the further  development of cooperation among the four Schools and will serve as a  forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience among scientists,  entrepreneurs, and doctoral students in the field of mechanical  engineering. The Scientific School of Abrasive Machining and the School  of Machining have supported the development of the scientific community  for many years and have provided a platform for collaboration between  science and industry. Growth in this area, related to additive and  hybrid technologies as well as the demands of Industry 4.0, indicated  the need to expand the activities of the Schools to these areas.  Consequently, in 2023, two new Scientific Schools were established: the  Scientific School of Additive Technologies and the Scientific School of  Production Automation. During the conference, a discussion panel with  the participation of scientists and entrepreneurs is also planned.

Scientific schools participating in the conference:

  • XLVI Scientific School of Abrasive Machining (NSOŚ) (Operating since  1973, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of NSOŚ: Prof. Wojciech  Kacalak )
  • XVII School of Machining (SOS) (Operating since 2000, Chairman of the  Scientific Committee of SOS: Prof. Piotr Cichosz )
  • II Scientific School of Production Automation (NSAP) (Operating since  2023, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of NSAP: Prof. Mirosław  Pajor )
  • II Scientific School of Additive Technologies (NSTP) (Operating since  2023, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of NSTP: Błażej Bałasz,  Ph.D., Eng., Prof. PK)


The conference fee will be 2,500 PLN for conference participants and 1,300 PLN for accompanying persons. In the event that the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSzW) announces a competition supporting the organization of conferences, e.g., Excellent Science, and funding is granted, the fee will be reduced.

The conference fee includes:

- accommodation and full board,
- participation in accompanying events,
- promotional materials,
- administrative support for participants,
- publication in the scientific monograph.

The conference fee does not include the cost of publishing articles in journals. A list of special issue journals (Special Issue) with ministerial points, including journals with scores of 100 and 140, will be published soon.

Scientific School of
Production Automation

Chairman of the Scientific Committee:: prof. dr
hab. inż. Mirosław Pajor


Scientific School of Additive

Chairman of the Scientific Committee: dr hab.inż.
Błażej Bałasz, prof. PK

Scientific School of Abrasive Machining NSOS

Operating since 1973

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of NSOS: prof. dr
hab. inż. Wojciech Kacalak


School of Machining SOS

Operating since 2000

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of SOS: prof. dr
hab. inż. Piotr Cichosz

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